Remote Worker Solutions

Assessment and Coaching Tools to Hire, Develop, and Lead Successful Remote Teams

Remote work is no longer just a growing fad or way of the future. It’s here now, and it’s here to stay.

For nearly a decade, PSI’s experts have studied the rapidly increasing population of remote workers and developed science-based assessment tools to help leaders and organizations get the most out of their off-site workforce.

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In the aftermath of the outbreak of COVID-19, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) conducted a survey to gauge remote work trends in the new talent landscape (SHRM, 2020).


of employers have employees working from home

7 in 10

of those employers are struggling to adapt to remote work

PSI Remote Worker Assessment and Development Solutions

PSI’s remote worker assessment solutions are specially designed to help leaders build strong remote teams with the right competencies for success throughout the entire talent life cycle. We provide insights and tools to help you:

  • Hire Remote Workers
  • Interview Remote Work Candidates
  • Re-engage Remote Employees
  • Coach, Develop, and Support Remote Teams
  • Manage Remote Teams More Effectively

Contact us today to learn how PSI’s proven remote work assessment solutions can help you hire, develop, and lead a successful remote workforce.

Quick Tips: Leading a Remote Team

5 Leadership Skills Needed For Managing Remote Workers

If you are a manager who traditionally leads a team who works in-office, here are a few tips to help you acclimate to the current situation and continue to manage your team effectively in the current climate.

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Remote Work Assessment Suite

Hiring Remote Employees

  • Remote Worker Selection Report
  • Personalized Interview Guide

Developing Remote Teams

  • Individual Development Guide
  • Manager Coaching Guide

Managing Remote Workers

  • Remote Manager Development Report
  • Remote Team Analytics

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Remote Worker Development White Paper

Remote Work: How To Develop Future-Ready Skills For Success

This white paper explores the three key competencies our talent experts have identified as vital to employee success in a remote work environment, and how employers can support their teams to realize their potential as remote workers.

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Want to learn more?

Blog: Quickly Adapt To A World Of Remote Work

We’ve gathered our resources for leading remote teams, hiring remote workers, and remote proctored assessment. We hope these will be helpful as you make important decisions regarding the best path forward for your organization in these times of rapid change.

Blog: So, You’re Leading A Remote Team During A Crisis. Ask Yourself These Four Questions

Leading a team is never easy, and becoming a leader under sudden remote circumstances is its own beast.

Blog: 6 Tips And Tricks To Continue Working Remotely, Successfully

Organizations have to ensure that employees continue to feel heard and feel visible to avoid sliding behind the inevitable remote work curtain. Successful remote work requires consistent effort, so I will share six practical tips that can help remote workers continue to feel visible and effective from afar.

White Paper: Leading Remote Teams – New Trends and Challenges for Managers

Remote work is expected to continue to rise even after the pandemic subsides. With this shift, managers will need to understand how to work remotely themselves as well as how to lead a team with less structure, fewer opportunities to communicate and collaboration enabled by technology.

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