AI-Powered Talent Solutions

Unpacking the Black Box to Pave the Way
for Trusted AI in Talent Management

Artificial Intelligence has been making its way into the business world for most of the last decade. And for a good reason: the technology can be extremely powerful in providing services and making decisions that us humans are unable to deliver. The often high-stakes world of Talent Management however, has been less receptive of adopting AI practices so far.

This is now starting to change: we’re unpacking the black box of AI leveraging the expertise of our AI and Talent Management experts, leading the way in embedding AI-powered processes in an ethical, robust way.

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Learn about the benefits and risks of AI in Talent Management

What Types of AI Are Used in Talent Management?

There are several ways AI is used to enhance talent management processes:

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

The translation of human language into computer language

Machine Learning (ML)

Training computers to make string predictions from data

Deep Learning (DL)

A flexible approach to understanding data, using brain-like computer models

The Power of Using AI in Talent Management

When used in the right way, Artificial Intelligence can have a strong, positive impact on your Talent Management practices:


Enhance decision making

Remove subjectivity and bias from talent decisions
with objective AI models


Improve participant experience

Create more personalized, dynamic
participant experiences


Automate your processes

Free up resources by implementing
AI-based processes


Discover organization-wide patterns

Find trends in data that go beyond
our human capability

Learn more about the risks and benefits of AI in Talent Management in our White Paper

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The Risks of AI-Powered Talent Management

AI is not without risks, yet many risks can be overcome by working with the right processes and people. When you work with our talent team, you are not only working with experts in AI, but also experts in Computer Technology, Compliance, and Assessment Science; allowing you to implement AI processes that are valid, reliable, and defensible.

In the high-stakes world of Talent Management it is important to be aware of those risks.

Biased input creates biased output

Understanding the data going into your AI models is crucial for ensuring unbiased processes.

High complexity reduces transparency

The more complex the model, the more challenging it is to understand the underlying mechanisms.

Large amounts of data required

Data needs to be collected in an ethical, ‘privacy-first’ way.

Repurposing AI processes can lead to errors

Translating AI processes from other parts of the business to fit within Talent Management needs to be done with care.

Talk to an AI expert