Test Generation Software

The Trusted Choice in High-stakes Testing

Through years of experiences with our clients, we have been able to build a robust test generation platform. Our cloud-based test generation software is a state-of-the-art enterprise solution with comprehensive delivery features and an integrated test development system.

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Key Features of Our Test Platform

Multilingual Delivery

Multiple Item Types

Immediate Reporting

Test generation software

Random Forms

PSI’s proprietary Test Generation System, FormCast®, allows for the generation of a virtually unlimited number of test forms that are content-balanced with minimum overlap while statistically equivalent, providing a unique equivalent examination for each test taker.

Test generation software

Flexible and Customizable

Based on your needs, the software can be customized to provide test development and delivery or only test development or test development with scoring and reporting. It also allows for variety of business rules to be implemented to ensure that the system is monitoring and enforcing the rules instead of a staff member, thus eliminating errors and creating efficiencies.

Secure and Reliable

PSI’s testing platform ensures that the exam cannot be accessed on any computer outside of the exam location. PSI delivers the tests to the test taker using a web-based platform across a secure HTTPS connection. PSI’s software also prevents the exam from being stolen from a computer in the test center (via email, flash drive, or any other method used to transmit data). Our web-based delivery platform ensures that minimal data is stored at the test center, as all test content is maintained in our centralized data center.

Put PSI’s Test Generation Software to work for you. Schedule a Demo