Psychometric Services

A Tailored Approach to Supporting Your Test

PSI has unmatched experience and expertise in bringing world-class psychometric services and test development services to certification, state licensing, talent assessment, and other high-stakes testing programs.

Psychometric services

Our Approach

We have experience in all phases of test design, development, and maintenance. Our process starts with a thorough project implementation planning session to ensure we have a full understanding of your desired outcomes and what questions you really need answered. A project team dedicated to your program will develop a tailored plan to provide you with the data and consultation necessary to support the goals of your testing program, while maintaining compliance with industry best practices and professional standards.

Test development & validation

Our Psychometrics Team

The key to developing and maintaining a professionally sound and legally defensible test lies with the guidance of a knowledgeable and experienced psychometrics team. PSI has over 50 world-class psychometricians and industrial/organizational psychologists that work with a wide range of testing programs and industries. We become partners with our clients and actively participate in planning and management activities to ensure a program’s success.

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Ready to Assist in All Phases of
Test Development

We provide a full range of analytics and research services for psychometrically sound and legally defensible tests:

  • Job Analysis Studies (Role Delineation, Practice Analysis)
  • Program Feasibility and Market Research
  • Item Development
  • Exam Form Assembly
  • Item Bank Maintenance
  • Statistical Analysis: Classical and IRT
  • Standard Setting
  • Equating and Scaling
  • Differential Item Functioning (DIF) Analysis and Fairness Evaluation
  • Accreditation Review and Compliance Support

Let PSI help your organization reach its full potential Contact Us Today