Job Analysis

Our industry-leading experts are adept in helping you define what success looks like for a role or for an exam. Whether it may be a busy nurse, a top executive or an insurance expert, our 70-year legacy and experience ensure that we do it right every time, and your results are valid and defensible.

Every role has a set of competencies, knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics required for success as well as requirements for dealing with physical demands, safety, and work environment factors. PSI is an expert at capturing and interpreting the information about work in all professions and industries in order to make an accurate interpretation of a candidate’s capabilities.

Our job analysis studies can be used to enhance assessment and human resources programs in many ways, such as:

  • Grouping jobs into families with similar work requirements
  • Developing blueprints for content-valid assessments
  • Determining valid job performance criteria
  • Validating job knowledge and work sample assessments
  • Transporting assessment validity across similar jobs or job families

Interested in learning more about how we can help with a job analysis study? Get in touch with one of our Experts!

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